Super sports

Super sports 

Everyone knows that kids in Aotearoa love physical education and playing  sports so that’s why we should play more sports in schools across the country. There are a number of reasons why we should but I will share a couple. One is that it helps with mental health, it also helps the human body by making you fit and finally you can improve your teamwork and cooperation. 


Firstly, sport can help with mental health. It  increases your social skills and well being. If you do have mental health problems it can help with that by getting out of the house or school and playing a good game of sport. When you play sports or workout a chemical called endorphins is released into the body. Endorphins are the bodys  feel good chemicals. Endorphins give you joy like the perfect scoop of Ice cream, it just feels good.


Secondly, it can benefit the human body by getting fitter and stronger. It can work out a lot of parts in your body and it can make you flexible. It doesn’t have to be sports, it can be running, swimming, cycling, rowing and many many more! What’s your favorite sport ? 


It can improve your teamwork and cooperation with your  friends and teammates. It helps you learn basic skills in life like working together and making new friends. When playing  sports you can learn to offload the ball as fast as a cheetah.

That’s why we should play more sports in school!  It helps with mental health, it helps the human body by making you Fit and finally you can improve your teamwork and cooperation. So when are u joining your Team ?


Persuasive writing is writing that is trying to convince the reader that your opinion is right and theirs is wrong or to Persuade them to buy something

A Rhetorical question is a question that doesn’t need answering and is made to make the reader think

A simile is using as or like to compare two things E.g when playing sports you can learn to pass the ball as fast as a cheetah


Today in Maths we had to do a sheet with 100 Division questions I got 74% in 10 minutes. I want to get better with my speed I would like to get my time down to about under 6 minutes next week i would like to get 80%.

End of year reflection

This year I moved into Tangaroa from Tane Mahuta. I had lots of highlights over the four terms like touch, rugby, Koru games, ski trip, camp, top team, surfing, basketball and many more. This year we had harder work and higher reward like going to dodge ball and volleyball,  that encouraged us to keep working. Over all this transition was amazing.

My goals for next year are to get better at maths like my division and timetables and to get better at writing and spelling like using compound sentences.

When I leave school I want to be a NRL player



inquiry 2023

This year for inquiry i have been making a cleaning product with Riley we made a wood polisher and dust remover.

This product has zero! chemicals contain 1 cup of olive oil and a half cup of lemon juice.  i mad a hypothesis and i Thought that it would work better than the store bought one and that was correct.

We also used it to polish the lunchbox rack which worked amazing

Link for hypothesis 

sustainable scrubbers

In Inquiry  I looked at some cleaning products. I looked at Cuddly Concentrate Sensitive which is a fabric softener.

below are the ingredients  and if they are harmful to humans.

I found it interesting that most of the ingredients are harmful to humans in some way.

Ingredients should be listed on the bottles in case someone has an allergy and uses it without knowing.



maddie davidson

Today this morning we had a special person come into the classroom her name was Maddie Davidson. she was a professional trampolines ed she shared her 2020 Olympic Tokyo games experience with us As well as some interesting facts about the rules that the New Zealand Olympic team has. She also described how it was like building up her skills to be able to compete in the Olympics It was a wonderful experience.

lending and debt

a debit card is a card that you can spend  freely because it is your money and can make onlline purchase

a credit card is a card that is controlled by the bank and is the banks money that you have to pay back

after pay is where you buy an item and get it now but make payments over 6 weeks

overdraft is where you spend more money then you have and when your next paymant comes in it takes that amount out if you bank acount

hire purchase is like after pay but it would usually be a bigger payment and you have 12 to 14 months to pay it back

personal loan is were you get a loan from the bank and you have to agree to pay to bay back the bank

arranged overdraft  Authorised overdrafts: are arranged in avndece , so they’re also known as ‘arranged’ overdrafts. You agree a limit with your bank and can spend money up to that limit.

bankrptcy when you have no money left and cannot pay your debts. in banqer this can be initated by the creditor



For cybersmart this week I made a fake text with Hunter. We had to write a txt message that was fake. What do you think? Do you think it could actually happen?